Friday, March 26, 2010


Deep media, reading mash-ups, chaotic reading, immersive games, interactive storytelling, genre-mash, and participatory media are all words associated with fluid environments and transmedia worlds.

Fluid Environments for Life-Long Learning: Cross-Genre, Multi-platform, Transmedia Worlds is an upcoming book by Annette Lamb.

Lamb states that fluid environments involve using multiple modes of communication to convey a complex, interactive message. Information flows smoothly from one media to the next. The strengths of each media create synergy. The result is something more dynamic than could be done in a single medium.

In transmedia storytelling, integral elements of the story are told through different media and each media type provides distinct contributions to the participant's understanding of the story. Participants may have many different entry points into the story and are able to extend the story through their contributions.